Have you ever lost momentum pursuing a goal because life happened? Or you got started but then lost the motivation to continue? What is needed to stay on that path of success?
In this short training video I’m covering the 3 habits you must put in place to help you achieve your goals and the kind of success you want in life.
How do we stay successful? That is a question that someone asked me last week at a conference. I’ve studied successful people for quite some time now and my answer to that is three fold. None of the habits though work without clarity and knowing why you want to accomplish something. For more information on clarity read this post.
#1. Discipline.
Discipline is the bridge between where you are and where you want to go because if you’re not disciplined we all know that it’s easy to start copping out and start using excuses like “I’ll do it tomorrow.”
#2. Consistency.
Going to the gym once a month won’t get you in shape. You must apply a daily or consistent routine to what you are doing. Consistency breeds success.
#3. Persistence.
You must persist and not take no for an answer. You must apply consistency and persist through all the challenges, obstacles and life happening. Rejection just means onto the next one. Think of NO as Next Opportunity.
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Full transcription of video:
How do you stay successful?
That is a question that I received at a conference this week. I was on a panel talking about coaching and what you need to know about those kind of things when someone in the audience asked me what is one habit that has helped me stay successful or become successful.
I have studied successful people now for quite some time and there’s are a few habits but my answer to that was discipline.
Discipline is the bridge between where you are and where you want to go because if you’re not disciplined we all know that it’s easy to start copping out and being like well I’ll do that tomorrow, maybe. And you start using the excuses for not going where you want to go. So when this lady asked me what one habit has helped you be successful or what is one habit that we should incorporate in order to stay successful or become successful in achieving our goals the answer is discipline.
So let’s talk about discipline because that is a hard one. How do you stay disciplined? Well we’re going to talk about that and some other habits that’s going to help you out. But for you to stay disciplined you need to be very very clear on your goal and why you want to go where you’re going. So if you’re well I sort of want to do this, I am not so sure then it’s hard to stay disciplined right? Because if you’re not clear on why you’re doing something it’s easy to start using the excuses.
Quote: For you to stay disciplined you need to be very clear on your goals and why you want to achieve that.
So my answer to all of these things when it comes to habits and achieving your goals and having the kind of success that you want in life it is having clarity on where you’re going and why why do you want to achieve this? I was talking about this in one of my blog post that the one thing that rates successful people from non successful people is clarity.
Successful people are very very clear on where they’re going and why they want to go there. They have a vision and they have spent time reading and figuring that out. They don’t just wake up one morning and say okay this is what I want to do. They’re like why do I want to do that? Okay, why is that important to me and so forth?
That is the first step in any kind of venture when you go: I want to do this, I want to write a book, I want to start a business, I want to start a foundation, I want to become better at my job, I want to become the number of one sales rep or realtor or financial expert or whatever it is that you’re working on. I want to be at the top on my field it. All that needs to have that clarity as to why you’re going where you going.
Next thing is that it’s not only staying disciplined right? Disciplined means that you do the work whether you feel like it or not. That means that you will go to the gym if you have a health goal of losing weight and getting in shape. That means staying disciplined and go when the schedule says to go. That means that when you wake up in the morning and say tonight I’m going to the gym, that means that you go to the gym and do it whether you feel like it or not. So that’s discipline. Doing the work whether you feel like it or not.
But it’s also being consistent. Because if you are disciplined to go to the gym once a month you’re not disciplined. You go once a month. Consistency means that you’ve got to do it consistently right? So if your goal is to get in shape going to the gym once a month, even if that means you’re disciplined, that is not going to get you in shape. It’s the consistency of doing it either daily or on a very very regular basis.
Let’s also use this example because someone once asked Seinfeld, if you watched it, I don’t know where you are world but most of the world has been exposed to Seinfeld. A funny show that millions and millions of people have watched.
Seinfeld is the I believe, maybe now things have changed but at the time was the highest-paid comedian and everyone asked him how he could produce so much material. Because he was just prolific. He had so much good stuff and he said “I never break the chain.” What does that mean? “I never break the chain. I sit down every single day and I write whether I feel like it or not.”
I think Stephen King does the same thing. He sits down every single day and write whether he feels like it or not. Athletes go to work every single day whether they feel like it or not. The professionals get to work regardless. So that is the consistency and the discipline. And it’s the consistency together that will do it.
Also you got to be persistent and that’s where that vision and the clarity comes in. Because you’re going to have challenges. You’re going to hit obstacles, you’re going to hit roadblocks. You’re going to be challenged and the clearer you get on something it’s like the universe always almost tests you. Like let’s see how committed you are to this goal and try to sideswipe you. Life happens, you get sick, injuries, kids, maybe financial stuff going on and you’re like oh my gosh!
That’s why that persistent persistence to push through regardless is so important. Henry Ford knew he wanted an 8 cylinder engine and he was persistent. It’s hard work to say um, I want this and he didn’t give up. He was “I know I’m going to have to keep working at it.” He told all of his engineers to just keep trying. They said it’s impossible. He went “I don’t care, keep working at it.” That consistency, the discipline to continue and the persistence all led to success.
Those are the habits that can help you get successful. There are many different habits of course but I would say when it comes to really really pushing through you got to be disciplined, you got to stay consistent and you’re going to have to be persistent. You can’t take no for an answer. You’re going to keep going at it until you get a yes. Because we often have heard of these great stories right where authors have been rejected 30 times. What if they gave up after the first time? You can’t take no for an answer. It just means next opportunity so keep going.
Stay disciplined, stay consistent and be persistent and don’t give up until you get what you want.
Those are three great habits for becoming successful at achieving the kind of goal that you have set. But like I said when you set that goal be very clear on why you want to achieve that goal. Don’t just set a goal because someone told you that you should. Don’t set a goal of something that you don’t really really feel inside is your passion and what you truly want to do. So again to recap three habits to help you be successful in achieving your goals is to be disciplined, stay consistent and be persistent. Don’t give up.
I hope those three three tips helps. And as always make sure wherever you’re watching this that you go to my website No More Hamster Wheel and subscribe to my Youtube channel, follow me on Instagram, follow me on Facebook, where you can find more training, videos and so forth. And make comments below.
Ask me any questions and as always do the things that helps you Stop Spinning and Start Living because life’s too short not to.
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