We often hear about “success habits” but what are those? Well, they are the kind of habits often practiced by successful people. These habits are simple to do but also simple not to do. Like all habits they must be implemented but the difference is that many of these take a long time to see results from, which is why most people don’t do them. We live in a microwave society where people want instant results.
Now, just because it made people successful doesn’t mean it’s a guarantee that practicing them will make you successful but I think we can all agree on that they will improve your life and isn’t that in itself success?
Successful people:
1. Invest in their personal development. They understand that in order to stay on top of their game they need to continue learning and growing. They read, hire coaches, work with mentors, join masterminds, they go to seminars, take courses and invest in themselves.
2. Don’t let fear or lack of knowledge hold them back from achieving what they want. They seek out the things they need to learn or acquire in order to achieve their goal.
3. Understand the power of exercise and healthy nutrition and take it serious.
4. Know to set boundaries and understand the power of saying NO. They create space in their life and prioritize what is most essential.
5. Take personal responsibility and don’t blame others, the economy or the weather for their results.
6. Are generous and give back to their community and those less fortunate. They practice abundance thinking, not scarcity thinking.
7. Take the time to get clear on their vision and why they want it.
8. Stay disciplined. They do the work whether they feel like it or not. The reason why they are successful is because they are willing to do the things unsuccessful people are not willing to do. They understand that motivation doesn’t just happen, that taking action and doing it regardless is what moves you forward.
9. Don’t just dream or wish for something to happen. They create an action plan on how to achieve it. They take charge of their own path.
10. Understand the power of “You become the average of the people you spend the most time with” and learn how to create proper boundaries for the rest.
11. Network and understand the power of creating personal connections and relationships with people who can up-level them. They understand that no one makes it to the top alone. They are also genuinely interested in people.
12. Don’t compare themselves to others as they know that is a distraction. They pay attention to the competition but ultimately they do their own thing.
13. Learn from the past, work diligently toward a better future but live in and appreciate the now. They practice gratitude.
14. Have fun and enjoy hobbies that take their mind of work. They understand that taking time for fun and hobbies actually increase their creativity, focus and productivity.
15. Understand the power of the mind and positive self-talk. They understand that what you feed your mind is what you get out. They don’t watch TV or if they do, they do it with intention. They filter what kind of input they allow into their life.
One habit that will give you great bang for the buck would be to practice daily gratitude. When you’re grateful for what you have, instead of what you don’t have your mindset shifts to more positive. Gratitude has also shown to be the foundation for happiness. And who doesn’t want to feel more happy?