How do you plan out your year so that you can accomplish the things you want to accomplish?
In this video I’m showing you how I plan out my year to make sure I accomplish what I set out to do. It’s not as complicated as most think but it does require a little planning and backwards thinking.
Summary. For more detailed information, watch the video.
1. Get a year calendar so that you can have a great visual of the entire year. I use the wall calendar from They have some great options including a calendar that you can write and erase on. Helps you move things around if needed without having to use whiteout. I then put in the cornerstones first: vacations, weekend trips, business travel, conferences, training, and seminars. Then I put in marketing campaigns, and deadlines for my projects. I also put in my monthly theme for learning. Always continue your personal growth by studying.
2. Then get a monthly calendar. You can use a bigger desk version or a smaller one. Do what works for you. Now plan out what you must do each day that month in order to make your deadlines or other milestones. Plan backwards so that when that deadline arrives you are ready. If you want to have written a 300 page book by a certain date, how many pages do you need to write every month in order to make that deadline?
3. Then figure out what you must do each week in order to move the needle forward. Having a general plan for the week helps you see what can be done and what can’t. Instead of checking your big wall calendar or monthly calendar, have your weekly goals handy on an index card. I usually write down 5 things to move forward each week on an index card.
4. Then get down to planning your day. What must be done today in order to hit your goals down the road. Remember, you took the entire year, broke down what you needed to do monthly and weekly, now you know what must be done each day. Block time out on your calendar for EVERYTHING, including exercise, education, and yes goofing off time.
5. Get very specific on what projects to move forward this year. Keep it simple. When you try to work on too many things you move few or even none forward. Pick three main projects to move forward and put all your focus on them. Then schedule in time on your calendar when to work on them. What gets scheduled gets done!
I know this seems like a lot. If you’ve never planned much then this may seem overwhelming. Start somewhere. Block out time on your calendar to do certain things. Try to think ahead by planning backwards. Start somewhere and as you go you get better at it and before you know it, you will plan your year out in style!
It’s time to stop spinning and start living, and achieve your goals!
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Quotes to inspire you…feel free to share! You can find more quote on my Instagram:
Very helpful, Camille! Good timing as I start delving into next year’s goals and plans!
That’s great to hear! Excited to see you creating next years goals and plans.