Dear Starbucks,
it’s been great but I need to break up with you. It’s not you. Well, maybe it is. In matter of fact, it’s all you.
You are simply not good for me. You cost me way too much money. You entice me with marketing deals that I as a marketing person should know to say no to but I can’t. You have me addicted. You entice me with things like gingerbread lattes at Christmas time. Now you even have gingerbread whip cream. Then, just as I’m about to break up with you there’s half off after 3 pm. Then again, just as I’m gaining strength to break up with you the star dash arrives and you appeal to my competitive side to get 10 extra stars if I buy 6 latte’s. You know my weaknesses and you take advantage of them. Each and every single time.
You’re not good for me. You’re slowly poisoning my body with non-organic beans, non-organic milk, corn syrup and artificial flavors in your lovely sweet syrups that delight my senses and make me believe happiness lays in a cup of frothed milk with espresso. I stay away from all that when it comes to food but when it comes to you my common sense goes out the window as soon as my lips hit that first sip. You have me hooked, making me want more. I don’t know what secret ingredient you use but you have me figured out.
My life was perfectly fine before you came into my life. In matter of fact, it was great. Breaking up with you is hard. I like you. A lot. I’m not sure I can never, ever see you again. But I have to stay strong and stay away from you. I’d love to get back to that flirt status again. That made me feel extra special but you did not control my life. Instead you put a smile on my face for that day but then I wouldn’t see you for a long time and you would just stay like a fun illusion of what could be. Because I’ve learned that once I let you in, then you take over and control my life. So I’m sorry, but I have to break up with you. I’ll be thinking of you but I won’t see you for a while.
With love,
a slightly addicted Starbucks customer that is now going to go cry
Now, I’m not that addicted to Starbucks but just enough that well, I am. It’s money that I can use towards my dream instead. It’s not hard to spend a $1,000 on latte’s in a year. In matter of fact, it’s quite easy. Especially since it’s only about 4 dollars each time that leaves the wallet. I’m going to miss my latte’s. But my dream means more to me and latte’s are stealing from that. I survived perfectly fine when I didn’t have a daily latte. I will survive just fine this time around too and in a year I will have an extra 1000 dollars that went towards my dream instead of to a cup of frothed milk with espresso.
Tell me. What are you willing to give up for your dream?
I really enjoy the challenge here. Our family has just started FPU. Your thoughts here are encouraging. Good luck with the break up and pursuit of your dreams.
Thanks Angela! FPU is a great program and I’m glad you are taking the steps to improve your financial life. When you start tracking where every single dollar goes it’s amazing how it totals up to a lot of money. As you work on getting out of debt you’ll definitely will start questioning “do I really need this” and make choices. It’s a rewarding challenge. Hard at times but so worth it. Good luck and don’t give up!
Way to go! As a non-coffee drinker, I often am amazed at how much people willingly spend on a cup of coffee that to me, doesn’t seem any different that what they can make at home for a lot less. (I’ve been told I just don’t understand since I don’t drink coffee.)
Besides, all the cool kids (e.g., me) drink tea, not coffee. 😉 You can get a nice big box o’ tea for about the same price as 1 cup of coffee.
Thanks! It’s the experience and that someone else is making it for you. There are some great branding books that talk about how companies are selling average products but give a top notch experience and can speak to that emotion. Starbucks definitely has that down. But I agree. We survived before SB and I’m looking forward to getting back to more tea drinking. Nothing like a good cup of Earl Grey with milk. Plus I want to be cool 🙂
What am I willing to give up for my dream? Hmmm… Coffee?? Golf?? Smartphone?? Nicer vehicle??? Hmmmm….
That’s the question Rick…how much does that dream mean to you? Older but still a great vehicle that gets you where you need to go or a newer shiny one? Cars steal a lot of dreams when it comes to money. Especially if they are financed. Dave Ramsey did a great video on that.
You make some great points. I think I will rethink where my money goes that could be fueling my dream!
It’s amazing the numbers we can tally up when we start thinking about where our money goes. I have a budget so I know but still, when I tally up a years worth instead of a months worth there can be some huge numbers. It’s a matter of need vs. want. And want’s can slow us down as we’re chasing our dreams. Go fuel your dream!