Ever wanted to write a book? A lot of people have a dream of publishing a book. I did too. I even sent off a collection of poems and short stories once to the copyright office with the intent to publish. That was long before self-publishing and you had to find a traditional book publisher. I had no idea how to go about it so after a while I got busy with life and forgot about it. I have boxes full of things I’ve written throughout the years.
Sounds familiar? How many of you have a book you started writing but never finished? How many of you have a book in your head you need to get down on paper?
It has become so easy to self-publish now you really have no excuse not to. If you really want to publish a book you can. You can have a book up on Amazon in minutes. Today you can even start selling it as a PDF book if you want! No excuses.
As a first time published author I have no excuse now not to continue. Maybe one day I’ll try the traditional route but for now I’m enjoying being my own publisher.
And, you guessed it! I wrote another book.
Introducing 37 Days of Different. A Guide to Break Out of Your Boring Routine and Start Changing Your Life.
It will release April 1, 2015 on Amazon. I also have the option for you to order it as a file for iBooks and Nook and in May it will launch as a paperback.
So what is this book about? The book will guide you through 37 days of doing things a little differently. After each day you will be asked how you felt and what you learned so that you can reflect, grow and open your horizon. When you do different you also start to think differently and see opportunities where before you saw obstacles.
So how do you order this book? I had a website created specifically for the book: 37 Days of Different where you can learn more and order the book. For you that pre-order you will receive some fun bonuses.
When you self-publish you are your own marketer and PR firm so I would love if you helped me share this with the world. Social media today is a great way to get the word out. Thank you so much!
Are you ready to publish your own book? If not, what is holding you back?
This is looking great, Camilla! I really like your front cover design, too – very creative indeed. Looking forward to getting the book.
Rick Siderfin recently posted…They Sought to Darken the Light of the World
Thanks Rick! The cover turned out great. I have an amazing designer that can create exactly what I visualize. Thanks for supporting me by buying the book. Can’t wait to hear what you think of it. If you pre-ordered it, don’t forget to let me know so I can send you the bonuses. Cheers!