Data shows that on average a person reads one book a year, usually a fiction book. Compare that to the average CEO who reads 60 personal development books a year and attends 5 conferences. The financial difference? On average a CEO earns over 300 times more.
Reading non-fiction books such as biographies and personal development books is one of the best investments you can do for yourself.
Still, most people don’t read books. And if they do, it’s leisure books.
Readers Are Leaders
If you ask successful people most of them accredit much of their success to reading. No, not reading things like People magazine, but personal development books, business and marketing books and biographies of other highly successful people. You can learn a lot from books that you can apply not only to your own life but to your career/business.
Not every book is a winner but like going to a conference, taking a course, working with a coach or mentor, it’s about finding something that can help you leverage up. I can always find at least one thing in a book that I can use. It’s about learning something that moves the levers forward even if only a little bit. Your level of knowledge is directly linked to your level of income.
But Books Are Expensive
Not if you take a look at the Return of Investment. Changing your life for the better is priceless. Plus in many cases you can make money on what you learn in books. If money is tight you can always borrow books from the library and OverDrive. OverDrive is a great way to borrow digital copies. Besides, spending money on books is a lot better than spending the money on short term pleasures like latte’s.
In 2016 I read 100 books. But I don’t read for leisure often. I read or listen to books like we did back in school. I schedule in time to read, sit down with a pen and highlighter and take notes. My goal is to see how I can implement and teach what I learn so that I can serve you and others better.
Now, it’s not the volume of books you read, it’s what you do with the material you learn. I’m big on following the mantra: Learn, Implement, Learn, Implement. Reading without implementing what you learn is a waste of time.
Out of the 100 books I picked 20 books that I feel would benefit you as you’re working on improving your life. Pick the ones that will benefit you the most right now. Schedule in time to read. If you read 15 minutes daily you can knock out about 12-16 books in a year!
Mindset and Understanding How Your Brain Works Books
1. Before Happiness by Shawn Anchor. This book has so many gems you’ll run out of highlighter. It’s definitely on my re-read list!
2. The Brain’s Way of Healing by Norman Doige. The brain is incredible. This book not only covers how you can literally learn how to use different parts of the brain to block nerve pain as well as neurological issues, but also covers how to improve from brain trauma and more. The research and advancement that is happening is exciting.
3. Brain Maker by David Perlmutter. We become what we eat. Research now shows that our brain is highly affected by nutrition. This book talks about how neurological diseases are directly linked to food intake. This book is a game changer!
4. Change Your Thinking, Change Your Life by Brian Tracy. You become what you think about. Again, we have the power to control our thoughts and change our lives. This is a book that is jam packed with wisdom and easy-to-use things you can apply right away.
5. What To Say When You Talk To Yourself by Shad Helmstetter. This should be a mandatory read in schools. Dr. Helmstetter also wrote the book The Power of Neuroplasticity. We now know how powerful the way we talk to ourselves is. Your self-talk programs your brain, which creates the results in your life.
6. Mindsight by Dan Siegel. Another must-read. How you were treated as a baby can affect you today. Dan Siegel brings together mindfulness, neuroscience and psychology into a book that is non-technical and eye-opening. If you struggle with connecting with people or you know someone who is, read this.
Learn How to Understand Others and How to Communicate
7. The Dream Manager by Matthew Kelly. This was the first book I did in 2016 and it’s become one of my most recommended books. If you own a company, you are a manager or you work in a place with employee issues, read this book. I listened to it and it was only about 3 hours. Best 3 hours ever!
8. Social Intelligence by Daniel Goleman. How do you deal with people? And why do they react the way they do? Daniel Goleman also wrote the book Emotional Intelligence. This book will help you bridge the gap communication wise and is filled with a-ha moments on how to deal with people.
9. Crucial Conversations by Kerry Patterson & Joseph Grenny. Amazing book. It’s super short but dense. This is not a one-time read. This is a book you study over and over again. This book though will teach you how to communicate especially in teams at work but also at home. If you want to learn how to have influence read this book!
Plan Your Life
10.Living Forward by Michael Hyatt. People tend to spend tons of time planning their vacation but they never take the time to plan their life. Most people wake up decades later realizing they have drifted. This short read will help you create a life plan. Awesome book!
11. Money. Master the Game by Tony Robbins. This book came out a few years ago and I kept putting it aside as I didn’t think it would contain much useful stuff. Oh was I wrong! This is a must read for everyone. Tony Robbins breaks down investing in a way only formerly accessible to the 100 million dollar investor. If your financial advisor hasn’t read this book either tell him or her to read it or find a new advisor.
12. The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. What you do today can either help you or slow you down. Successful people understand that it’s consistency that leads to success. Reading this book will help you understand how to think about what you do daily so that you can succeed at what you set out to do.
Various Personal Development Books
13. Grit by Angela Ducksworth. What is grit and how can it help you? Studies shows that your level of grit determines your level of success. I listened to this book and truly enjoyed it. If you struggle sticking to things, this would be a great read for you.
14. The Entrepreneur’s Solution by Mel Abraham. I met Mel at a Brendon Burchard event and had no idea who he was. Little did I know he’s a well after-sought business advisor for some of the biggest names in the world. This book is not your traditional ‘business’ book but a book that teaches you how to build a business that supports the kind of lifestyle you want to have. It’s also about stepping into your fullest potential and giving back. It’s a business book with heart and soul. Having spent some time with Mel I can attest to that he’s walking the talk.
15. Peak by Anders Ericsson. The name of the book is a tad misleading. This book is about what separates those that reach the peak and become experts from those that don’t. Turns out that talent isn’t it. Practice isn’t it either. Deliberate practice is the secret sauce. This is hands down one of my new favorite books to recommend. This book shows you how anyone can become the best at what they want to do.
16. The Go-Giver by Bob Burg. This is a great story about a man who learns how to become successful in business by following a few simple rules. Absolutely love this book! It’s hard to describe it without spoiling the message in here but yes, it’s about that giving instead of taking is what brings you success in life.
17. The Charge by Brendon Burchard. What drives people? In this book you learn the 10 human drives and how they are related to you and what you want to do. Brendon is by far one of my favorite people and this book will give you plenty of a-ha moments that will help you move forward.
18. The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks. It’s time to think bigger and step into your potential. Gay Hendricks talks about how we hold ourselves back when we were born to fly. If you struggle with self doubt or know you are playing it way to safe then read this and get inspired to take that big leap to get to the next level!
19. Relentless by Tim S. Groover. You’re going to be so pumped up after reading this book you may fly as high as Michael Jordan. Tim was the head trainer for Michael Jordan and for many other NBA and NFL stars. In this book he talks about what separates people like Michael Jordan from others and how we can tap into that, if we are brave enough to do be relentless.
20. You Are a Badass by Jen Sincero. OMG – this book is so awesome I’ve listened to it twice. I have no idea how this is to read. I would highly recommend the audio version as Jen is hilarious! This is a ‘this is how you change your life’ kind of classic self-help book but it’s not only inspirational but it has lots of great advice too.
I hope you’ll enjoy these books as much as I did. If you’re looking for something specific let me know. I may just have read the perfect book for you!
If you felt this post was of value to you please share with others so they too can learn how to stop spinning and start living. I create these free trainings and blog posts for you. I appreciate you! Now go and move your life forward. You can do it!
*Links goes to Amazon. Should you purchase through that link I may receive a small commission. As always, I appreciate your support. I only recommend books and products I personally use or believe in.
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Heidi says
I read 22 books in 2016. Some of them were for leisure for the 2 book clubs that I am in, but others were personal development books. I’ve only read 2 of the 20 you’ve listed!
Camilla says
22 books is awesome and a mix of the two is great! I just over the holidays read a book you may enjoy called DotCom Secrets by Russell Branson. All about online marketing. Very instructional and loaded with easy-to-use ideas.