As I’m sitting here reflecting on where I was last Thanksgiving week I’m in awe of what has happened in a year. My blogs have grown and taken shape, I published a book, I started sharing my photography, I started coaching and I’ve made incredible friendships among a long list of other things.
But first and foremost – none of this would be possible without you! I am so incredibly thankful and blessed for the amazing support and encouragement you show me by reading, commenting and sharing my words. Anyone that has ever started a blog knows the time and effort that goes into it. My goal every time I hit that publish button is that my words help someone, encourage someone, inspire someone.
A year ago, as I was out on a road trip to Death Valley National Park, Bryce Canyon National Park I had the chance to reflect on life as a good friend of mine had her life changed by losing her husband to the evil thing called cancer.
I always try to remember that life can be short and that we should live now instead of waiting for ‘some day.’ It’s not always easy. Life gets busy, we forget to seize the day, we worry about things, things that if we were to be given a certain amount of days to live we wouldn’t worry about.
It’s a balancing act for sure. One that I know you struggle with too. Live as if you were to die tomorrow but plan as if you were to live until you’re 99.
Coming back from my trip I wrote a post “Live your life with a sense of urgency.” (I had to resist the urge to go in and edit the chunks of text…but if we keep trying to edit our past then how are we going to reflect back to see how far we’ve come?)
The post is a good reminder to not let life slip through your fingers too fast. Today, no matter where you are, reach out to one person and tell them how much you appreciate her or him. It can be a family member, it can be the cashier at the grocery store. You never know how much the words Thank You can mean to that person.
Thank You for reading my blog, supporting my dream and being a part of my life. I’m truly blessed.
Maggie says
Thank you Camilla! Your posts are a bright spot in my day, and I look forward to seeing what this post says one year from now! But I agree we need to appreciate the moments in between, even if it means slowing down every once in a while. Thank you for your wisdom and inspiration and happy Thanksgiving!
Camilla says
Thank you for the kind words Maggie! I too, look forward to see what this post says a year from now. Cheers to a great 2015 for both of us! 🙂
Brad says
Camilla, I can hear your voice in your writing. You’re awesome. I’m glad to have access to your words and your perspective. Happy Thanksgiving.
Brad recently posted…What is “Happen to the World” and the Winner of the Amazon Gift Card! [Video]
Camilla says
I try to write the way I speak so glad my voice is coming through the words. Thank you for your kind words! Hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving.
Letty/Letty'sKitchen says
Hi Camilla,
I just signed up to receive your new posts via bloglovin.
This gratefulness post–we do have much to be thankful for!
How’s your e-book doing? I hope to see you again at the PC Meetup pm the 15th
Letty/Letty’sKitchen recently posted…Pepper Jelly Cornmeal Thumbprints + Christmas cookie recipe exchange
Camilla says
Hi – thank you! We do have a lot to be thankful for, that’s for sure! E-book is doing well. I will definitely see you on the 15th. Can’t wait to see you, catch up and enjoy some of those Christmas cookies. 🙂