I know some of you were hoping I would just say “Why You Should Quit Your Job” but I’m leaving that blog post for some other time. Although many of the reasons below are compelling enough to support why you should quit your job all together. Which is what you are working on, right?
So why should you quit a job you hate? And I mean, truly hate day in and day out. Not the “ugh, I kind of don’t like my job sometimes but most of the time I do like my job” kind of feeling. I’m talking about when you hate your job so much it makes you dread every-single-day.
I could probably list a lot of personal reasons like life is too short to continue working a job you hate day in and day out but let’s get some actual data behind why you should quit a job your hate and find work your enjoy.
- Your job is slowly killing you.
- You are at a greater risk of getting injured, sick and burnt out.
- Huffington Post has a great info-graphic worth printing out that will make your head spin when you see all the data supporting that your job is slowly killing you.
- You have a 79% higher chance of developing heart problems according to a study published in Psychosomatic Medicine referenced in Fortune.
- Your eyes, back, general health and even your relationships are suffering. When even Good Housekeeping brings up this topic you know it’s time to pay attention.
More people have a heart attack on Monday’s than any other day according to studies. If that isn’t telling then I don’t know what is! And guess when the risk of a heart attack is the lowest? You guessed it. The weekends!
So what can you do?
Remember you are not stuck. No one is holding you hostage and you are free to leave anytime. Besides that the job you hate is slowly killing you many of you are trading a few weeks of freedom (vacation) for 40+ weeks of misery. That’s ridiculous.
Now, I suggest you don’t just up and quit a job before you have something else lined up (and if you do – don’t blame me, this is your life and decision, I’m just someone voicing my opinion on my own website). It’s a lot easier to find a job while you are employed. For some funny reason employers prefer to hire people that are already employed.
Are You at the Right Job or The Wrong Person for the Job?
First, ask yourself if you are still growing and learning things in your current position. If you are, then you may be at the right job after all. What is causing you to hate your job? Work hours? Co-workers? Your manager? Identify what it is that is causing you to hate your job. Do you hate the actual work itself or non-work related factors?
Once you have identified that, can you change the circumstances? Can you be more accepting of your co-workers? Maybe get to know them a little and learn that they aren’t that bad after all? Could you change your attitude? Can you work from home? Create a more flexible schedule? If there are multiple offices can you transfer to a different one to see if a change of environment helps? Can you transfer to work for a different manager?
If your actual work duties cause you to hate your job I suggest taking the DISC personality test. You’re clearly at the wrong job. The DISC test will tell you if you are in the wrong position. If you are a people pleaser and don’t want to deal with any confrontations but your job has you in a management position with people reporting to you then are going to hate your job! Your personality traits are not meant for that kind of position. If you are a big idea kind of person but you are stuck doing detailed work, you are going to hate your job!
If your current job doesn’t have a position available that is more fitting or you have tried to see the good through the bad and still can’t make it work, well, in my opinion it’s time to find a new place to work. Life is too short to keep working a job you hate, especially when with a little effort such as taking the DISC test and reading 48 Days to the Work You Love you can find work that makes you jump out of bed in the morning excited to get to work.
If you are in a job you hate what are you doing to change that?
*There are affiliate links in here. I only recommend products I personally use or believe in. Should you purchase something through those links I may benefit financially.
Great post, Camilla. If anyone has not done a personality profile test, I would highly recommend it. It makes choosing the right career path so much easier.
Rick Siderfin recently posted…How You Can Boost Your Mood Right Now
Thank Rick! Taking a personality profile test years and years ago changed my life. I could finally connect the dots as to why certain tasks were easy for me to do while others were just pure painful. Plus it teaches you how you communicate with others and improve not only work relationships but personal ones too. It should be mandatory to take in high school! The almost 80% that are disengaged at work would be happy at work!
Here is some anecdotal evidence. My husband had a manager who was doing a terrible job. He couldn’t keep up with his duties and was creating havoc trying to cover his butt. He even had a heart attack a couple of months ago and is only in his early 40s.
My husband went to his supervisor and said this guy has to go and now. It worked out that someone else was let go that day and they told this guy he could take that job (completely different area and responsibility) or be fired. His euphoria was immense! He didn’t lose his job, but was so relieved to not have to do the job he was unqualified for. It’s been 2 weeks and everything is better. I’ve never seen this guy so happy.
Excellent example and proof right there. Great person, just in the wrong position! Too many are fired because they are put positions they shouldn’t be in, instead of transferred. Glad it worked out for the better in this case. If employers just took the time to do personality profile tests we’d have a lot happier work places.
I feel like I’m closer than ever to leaving my current job, but I’ve been here before. I’m keeping my head up and not getting discouraged.
Right now, I need a change of scenery to get back to a better place. This will help my creativity and get me moving more on my side-hustle.
great post!!
Eric C recently posted…Scratching Your Creative Itch
Ah, the famous roller-coaster. My job isn’t as my after all to I hate my job cycle. Eventually one will show up more and you’ll know when you are done-done. Keep working on your side-hustle meanwhile so that when that time arrive you have a better vision of where you want to go.
I took the DISC profile and it was as if they were reading my mind!!
I never thought it could be that accurate.
Yes I hate my job and I’m working to change that.
Thanks for this great post!!
Steve Tessler recently posted…#36 Firefighting school
The DISC profile is eerily accurate and the best part, beside learning about yourself, is that you suddenly understand how to communicate with others and how they perceive you. It truly is one of the best investments. I always advice people to take the real test that you pay for because you get about 25-30 pages of information and the free online tests are not accurate. A lot of people take them and get different answers depending on which site they are on. Spending less than 30 dollars on a real test can change your life!