Last time we talked about Step 1 – Change Your Life. If you missed that you can read the post HERE. This series is based on the FREE 10 Steps To Getting Off the Hamster Wheel Guide you get when you sign up with your email. Today, we are moving on to Step 2.
What would you do if you didn’t have to worry about money?
I want you to take a moment to think of that.
What would you do?
- How would you spend your day?
- What are the things you would get involved with?
- What would you do with your life going forward?
- What kind of feeling and accomplishment would you want to feel when you turn in for the night?
- What kind of legacy would you want to leave behind?
Imagine a bank account with money to cover all your expenses and more. Imagine waking up tomorrow morning and you would not have to go to a job. You could do whatever you wanted. And for the next day and the day after that.
Now, some of you would sleep in, watch TV all day and eat Doritos for a while. But what would you do after that? After you have taken some downtime or traveled to all the countries you want to see or hiked all the peaks you wanted to conquer.
You all know you have a dream inside of you that is waiting to come out.
Some of you have buried it so deep it will require a major innovation for you to listen to it.
Some of you are in a season of life and not sure yet what that dream of yours is.
Some of you have simply never taken the time to even think of anything else than working for 40 years, retire and then do what you are passionate about. Although, if you are here reading this blog I have a feeling that voice inside of you are looking for a better life now, not when you “retire.”
Some of you think a dream will one day reveal itself and suddenly overnight you know what to do with your life. Your calling and purpose in life will just show up. Meanwhile, you’ll just continue sleepwalking through life.
For the majority of people that’s not how finding your dream works. For many of us we have multiple things we are passionate about and when you answered the original question you came up with ten different answers. I know, we all have that one friend that seemed to know exactly what they wanted to be from the time they were born, but most of us need some time to figure it out.
How do you figure out which dream and passion to pursue in order to leave the rat race? We will go over that next week in part 2 of this Pursue Your Passion.
First, I really want you to think about these questions. Really think about them. Then I want you to write your answers down. Create a journal that you can go back to as well. Name it “Leave the Rat Race” journal.
What would you do if you didn’t have to worry about money?
What would you do?
How would you spend your day?
What are the things you would get involved with?
What would you do with your life going forward?
What kind of feeling and accomplishment would you want to feel when you turn in for the night?
What kind of legacy would you want to leave behind?
My goal with this series, besides giving you some practical advice, is to awaken you and make you start asking questions. Instead of jumping on to the next thing today take the time to answer these questions. It may be hard. It may be uncomfortable. Turn off the TV tonight and spend some time reflecting. LISTEN to that voice inside. Ignore the “practical” or “not realistic” filter. Then be brave and write down your answers. Be honest with yourself.
I would love to hear your answers, ideas and questions. Leave a comment below.
Powerful questions, Camilla! This is a really great post – well written and hard-hitting.
I absolutely identify with your comment that most of us have lots of things we are passionate about. It’s hard work narrowing it down, but it really does pay off.
For me, the greatest reward is bringing out potential in others. The best way I can do that at the moment is by writing and then by interacting [mostly via email] with my subscribers. It’s an awesome feeling to know you have made a positive impact on someone’s life.
Rick Siderfin recently posted…They Sought to Darken the Light of the World
Thank you Rick! I appreciate your kind words. It is hard work but so worth it. Personal development and growth requires time and effort but a whole lot better than waking up decades from now wondering where life went. I too, like you, love bringing out the potential in others. It is an awesome feeling! Thanks for all you do!
I’ve long had that list and “dream day or week” journal…what I find funny is that I’ve made the list several times throughout my life….it’s even more powerful to look at what’s stayed the same and what’s changed. I’ve always had a servants heart so helping others and working for others (in the sense of helping not in the sense of being employed) has always been there but some things have left. Teaching is there…being a teacher not so much anymore. Having the security of “employment” nope not there anymore but being a good provider for my family yes….God and Church went away for awhile (well like 22 years to be exact) but its back now in a powerful way (as you know)…it’s amazing how our core values can remain unchanged while so much else changes around us.
Thanks for the reminder of “leaving the rat race”
Scott Maderer recently posted…Why Stewardship Coaching?
It’s pretty amazing when we look back to see what has been there all along…like you said, in your case your servant heart. Somehow we often think as a teacher we need to work as a teacher but there’s so many other ways to teach. I love the journey you are on and the impact you’re having.
Great questions! Will need to take some time to think about them this week!