I have long followed Jon Acuff http://www.jonacuff.com/blog/ after he became part of the Dave Ramsey team. I quickly learned that Jon is an extraordinary guy that instead of harboring his knowledge spends his days sharing it, teaching it and inspiring others. A while back he came out with a book called START.
He also just started a project called the START Experiment #STARTEXP that is about punching fear in the face. This is the second time he is doing it and I was lucky enough to get in and be part of this amazing project and experiment.
The idea is to put a bunch of people in a community that are all trying to start something, then divide them into groups based on what they are trying to do (I am in the blogger group), ask them to pick one risk they want to work on and then for the next 24 days you have to be accountable for the goals that you have set. One of my goals is to become a better blogger. The START Experiment community is not open to the public so it’s a safe place to talk, get feedback, advice and more. No one really knows yet what to expect other than that we will grow as people, learn a ton, get feedback, advice and of course get started (or if already started, get further) on what we are trying to do. Here is a great video about the experiment called Lights, Camera, Action! aka Let’s Punch FEAR in the FACE! by Jennifer Moff.
For us that got in we are now eagerly waiting for an email from Jon Acuff that will arrive on Monday that has further instructions. It’s an adventure and one I’m excited about. While we are waiting for an email we are introducing ourselves, chatting and getting to know our fellow community friends on a group page that was set up for us. It’s only day one and I have already been inspired by reading other people’s blogs, posts, and getting to know them. If there is one thing we need to do more often is just that – punch fear in the face by getting out of our comfort zone and joining an adventure!
I can’t wait to see what the next 23 days has in store for me and hopefully as I blog along you will find the courage to join something new and out of your comfort zone. You never know who or what is behind that door that will inspire you to work towards getting off the hamster wheel!
Hi! I’m in the START blogging group with you! Today’s been a whirlwind of activity! I’m just trying to keep up! But I’m excited!
Hi! So glad you are with the group. It has been a whirlwind day. Wow – love it! Will check out your blog here this morning. It feels amazing to be part of this #STARTbloggers group!
That’s awesome! This really is an amazing community that Jon Acuff started and I think together we can Chuck Norris fear in the face!
Loving it! Together we definitely can Chuck Norris fear in the face! Love your blog!
W00t! No idea what to expect. Should be fun though!
-a fellow STARTer. 🙂
Only day two and it’s already been beyond fun! Feeling the energy! 🙂