When I volunteered to write an honest review of Packing Light by Allison Vesterfelt in exchange for a free book I thought to myself, “I’ve never written a book review!” I’m not sure what the proper way is so I decided to just write it in a way that felt natural to me. Here goes my first book review.
What would you do with your life if you didn’t have to worry about money? That’s the question that starts the journey behind this book. Allison’s response was that she would travel to all fifty states and write a book about it but that is not what people do. They don’t just quit their job, their responsible life and go do something like that. Which prompts her adventurous friend Sharaya to ask “So when are we going on this road trip?” And with that, the journey towards leaving the comfort zone for the unknown, that hopefully holds some answers to life, begins…
You take the chance on changing your life forever by leaving the comfort zone and going for your dream. This book is so much more than just about traveling through 50 states. The book Packing Light: Thoughts on Living Life with Less Baggage describes their journey, the ups and downs, the expectations, people and places they meet and see along the way, the changes within them and the lessons learned along the way. They all hit you in the gut. You start asking yourself what you would do, what you would keep or not keep and how something like this may change you. The book makes you ask questions that you don’t have all the answers to.
I get a similar restless energy reading Allison’s book as I get with writing. It’s like that slightly uncomfortable alley that I can’t make myself turn around in as I have to see what’s on the other side. You have to keep reading and get to the end of the book to see what awaits. You’re not sure what to expect. You just know you have to find out. Does she have all the answers she was hoping for? What will happen to the guy she met right before she left for her trip? What will she do when she comes back to town? Did she figure it all out? How has she changed as a person? What about her friends? Will any of the experiences she gained help you and the questions that you now have?
My only answer to that is…you have to read the book and see for yourself. But I can say this. If you have a feeling that something is missing from your life, this book is for you. If you wish you dared to go for your dream, this book is for you. If you wonder if you could live a simple life and sell all your possessions, this book is for you. Packing Light is an easy, fun, yet heartfelt read. I highly recommend it.
Available at Amazon: Packing Light: Thoughts on Living Life with Less Baggage
Happy Reading!
ps. for more info about Allison, her books and blog go to http://www.allisonvesterfelt.com/about/
*There are affiliate links in this post.
Lynn Long says
This book sounds intriguing and right up my alley! Thanks for reviewing and recommending. I’ll definitely check it out. 🙂
NoMoreHamsterWheel says
Thanks! It’s definitely a great read. And it made me want to take a long road trip…