This week I struggled to find inspiration to write and to stay involved. I love what I’m doing, yet, this week my mojo just completely left me. Normally I’m this energetic, let’s get things done kind of person but my energy left me too.
I simply didn’t feel like working on my goals and dreams. I just wanted to be. Not think. Not do. I was trying to find an explanation. A reason. Maybe I’m not working on the right thing? Is this my dream? Because if it is, then why do I suddenly don’t feel like working on it? Where did my motivation go? Helping someone else is so much easier than helping myself at times so I asked my friends for ideas to get me unstuck as I knew I was over-thinking the situation. To no surprise their suggestions of course made sense.
– It’s okay to take a break, be still, be quiet, restore and rejuvenate
– It’s okay to have a pity party, then get over it and get back to work
– Sometimes the mojo is found in a different place than normal
I’ve burned it from both ends lately. I normally thrive when life gets busy but I guess even a super woman needs to rest and recharge. I forgot to just stop, take a break and do something different.
I prefer to look at the glass half full instead of half empty so having a pity party felt counter-intuitive but I decided to give it a try. I hashed out all the things that I felt I could complain about and then I burst into laugh because it felt so strange. Laughs are always good.
I would say that I found my mojo in a different place than normal. I found it asking others for help instead of helping others. My mojo thrives on helping others and I didn’t even think of that it could be found elsewhere. Lesson learned.
So if you are spinning, like I was this week, ask friends for ideas. You just never know what idea or suggestion they may have that helps you stop spinning. Allow people in. Allow them to help you. Try a different way than how you normally do it. Take a break. Disconnect so you can connect. Go do something else. If you stretch a rubber band too far it will break, but if you allow it to bounce back it will be a functional rubber band again.
What are some things you do when you need to get unstuck and find your mojo again?
Great post and very true. I especially love the idea of allowing yourself to have that pity party. Get it out of the way and move on. Goodness knows we all stumble and lose our mojo, but those of us who can bounce back will be only the stronger for it 🙂
Thanks. Yes, it was actually quite refreshing to have a pity party and then move on. It’s about finding that good balance so we don’t stretch ourselves too far and can easier bounce back 🙂
As an introvert, I’m all about internal rest and rejuvenation. I have to have those “me” times. When I feel stuck in my writing, I try to do something different. I paint, crochet, cross-stitch, read, even play video games. Anything to take my conscious mind off whatever it is I’m stuck on. I also like bouncing ideas off other people. I’m a big fan of group brainstorming. 🙂
Doing something different definitely helps. Sometimes we just need a break. I love the group brainstorming idea! Maybe it’s time to create an online round table brain storming community 🙂