I feel like quitting.
I’m exhausted.
Is it really worth it?
Yes, it is.
The last week has been extra busy and my brain feels like mush. Working on your dream is hard work. Unless you come up with a Chia-tree success story no. 2 without any work and make millions in a year or win on the lottery, then working on your dream or goal, while you have a full-time job and a full-time life is hard work. There is no sugar coating that. Which is why the thought of going back to just working on my dream when I have some spare time (ha, like that ever happens) seems so tempting after a week like this.
No matter what goal or dream you have or what hamster wheel you are trying to get off, it requires work and commitment. Of course, first you need to make the decision to go for it and make that commitment.
Once you have made the decision, you need to stick to it. But see that’s the hard part. Getting out of debt, losing weight, working on making a passion into a paying job, becoming more intentional about your time, getting more organized, starting a business or whatever you are working on requires not only commitment, it requires hard work. It also requires you to not give up, and if you do, to get up and get back at it. It also requires patience and dealing with lots of trials, errors and frustration.
That hard work is why so many don’t succeed. It’s easier to give up. So in order to be part of the group that succeeds I keep a reminder handy. One that reminds me about my biggest dream. Travel the world. Not just part of the world but all 190+ countries. One of my best friends that make jewelry made me a bracelet that says Travel the World on it. I wear it almost every single day as a reminder on what I’m trying to achieve and why I’m working so hard.
What hamster wheel are you working on getting off and what reminder do you have that helps you stay on track and not give up?
I am dealing with the “lots of trials, errors and frustration” bit of the journey right now. Yesterday, I found a story I began writing 6 years ago. It was stuck in a devotional book I had planned to use for an activity at work. On the back of it was a dream I’d scribbled out in the middle of the night 5 years ago. In the dream a good friend of mine asked me “how many confirmations do you need before you step out and pursue your passion?” Reading that while sitting at my desk at work was the little nudge I needed to stay focused on what I’m trying to accomplish and not the struggle involved. I think I may need to post that question somewhere I can read it on a regular basis.
Thanks for posting this!
I’m so glad you found that note! It’s amazing how we can find something years later when we need it the most. It’s as if we needed to go through those years first in order to be more prepared and ready to pursue that passion.
exactly! When I started First Endurance, Sylvia was not working and Forrest was just born. I cashed in my retirement money to fund the start up and knew the worst was that I lost some retirement money, would move into an apartment and I’d go back to work. I’d still have my family, health, food, shelter..no biggie. Sylvia and I were willing to live with that.
I agree, those are the important things, family, friends, health etc. As long as we have those we’re fine, no matter where we are. Plus when focusing on what’s truly important making that leap isn’t that scary but almost freeing. You know you will be ok no matter what. I’m glad you’re my friend! I want you to know what you said has helped me more than you know.
Good words. Now I need to figure out what reminder I can use.
Thanks. Sometimes even something so simple as a screen saver or picture on the fridge is a great reminder. Your children is also a great reminder. Being a role model to them and allowing them to see you pursuing your talents, passions and dreams will instill in them to follow suit.
I love the idea of having your dream on a bracelet so it’s right there. Fantastic idea! And you’re right – working on your dream is work, sometimes hard work especially when there are other commitments. But it’s work I love to do and am excited to do. I try to keep that in mind on those days I feel worn out and tired. 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
I agree. Most of the time pursuing your dream doesn’t feel like hard work as it is something I love doing. But on weeks like this it just to buckle down and do it, and having that reminder sure helps. absolutely love my bracelet. It was a Christmas gift from my friend. I treasure it deeply.
Cool Camila. What always helped me is asking “what’s the worst that can happen?” The answer is often something I can live with and allows me to give it a go. Ask yourself that next time you are pursuing your dream and if you can live with the worst, then you might as well go for the dream.
Love that Rob! A great question to ask and one I will ask myself from now on. There is usually a lot more upside to trying than not because after all, a lot of ‘what’s the worst that can happen’ really is something I can live with. Thanks!