T I M E. That four letter word that seems to elude us so quickly. That we always feel we need more of. That somehow successful people, super moms, seniors and teenagers seem to have lots of. Time. If I only had more time I would…
I would read more.
I would write a book.
I would actually see my friends in person instead of through Facebook.
I would finally get my bedroom painted.
I would have time to get more organized.
I would have time to work harder on my dream.
“I would…” becomes our escape route. Of course I would do all those things if I had more time.
Oh, come on! All those people were successful before the time of distractions like TV, Facebook, smart phones and balancing a full-time job with well, life! Of course they had more time.
Here is the shocker! No they didn’t. Think about it. They didn’t have more time. They just had more focus on what they were doing. Yes, granted they had A LOT less distractions than we do nowadays, but they didn’t have more hours in a day than we do. They had exactly 24 hours in a day, just like we do. They just choose to use it differently. And so can we. We can decide to only spend a certain amount of time on things like watching TV. We can get up earlier in the mornings. We can use our lunch hour. We can cut something out that does not help us achieve our goals and dreams. Prioritize. It is not easy as it requires commitment and change. However, if we are to be successful in being more productive with our time we have to take charge of the time. Or it will continue to elude us. Disappear. Vanish. Gone.
Today I made the commitment to write for 30 minutes a day. That’s it. Nothing else. One simple change that will not turn my day upside down but will still accumulate to a lot of time.
So what is that one thing you will change in order to be more productive and focused with your time? What is that one thing that you will commit to in order to get closer to achieving your dream?
I recently started putting all of my work items into my tasks list into outlook, and it has been such an improvement in my time management. I have a 550 page list of accounts that I have to keep up on as a credit manager, and it is next to impossible to review every page every day. Setting up the daily reminders of people I said I would get in touch with has given me more time throughout the work day to accomplish so much more and stay on task.
I also have been getting up at 5 am this week to help me #Start! It’s been working out well, and I have been able to blog my minimum this week (3 posts) and also work on my niche website. Sure it means I’m getting up at 5 am, but that’s better than worrying about when I will get the chance to work on it.
Great idea to use a task list. It is so easy to forget something but it’s right there, reminding you to look at it! Yes, getting up early with a task to do is definitely a great way to be more productive. Gives us a different purpose as to how to plan our mornings. Plus for the rest of the day it makes you feel as if you accomplished something towards your dream.
I have decided to set more time aside also for my blog and developing a new one as well. I love this and it really makes you think what is standing in the way of us being amazing.
That’s great that you are not only working on your current blog but inspired to start another. Can’t wait to see it. And yes, we are the ones standing in our way to the road of amazing, but luckily we can change that.