Picking a word for the year is a popular thing to do. I normally like to go against the popular trends but I like this one. It forces you to think about one word that can represent things you want to do or accomplish. It’s hard to pick just one word. Of course, picking a phrase works too. At first I was going to pick the word Balance as I need to achieve more of that in my life.
But in the end I decided to pick CHANGE.
I’ve never been afraid of change but it’s easier when things come at you vs. you creating the change. Intentionally pushing yourself out of the comfort zone is always harder than being pushed. I used to just jump and ask later but now as I’m getting older I’m getting more hesitant and start over-analyzing things. Which means pushing myself is even more important. It’s easy to get comfortable!
As you may have noticed (or not) I have been more sporadic with my blog post. That will continue. I’m changing this blog into more of a resource site where you can find resources on how to leave the rat race instead of just being a blog. I am of course going to continue to blog but I’m not going to always give you a new post weekly.
The site is going to be updated to a new look in 2015. Major change.
I’m going to start adding video’s. Some of those will be with me in them – gulp!
I’m going to talk more about my journey. Talk about pushing myself out of the comfort zone! Letting others in is not easy. Among my friends it’s easy. What you see is what you get. With you…who I count as my digital friends it’s harder. I don’t know who reads this blog other than those of you that comment, stay in touch and so on. I’m going to be as honest and authentic as I can. It’s hard admitting to strangers that I don’t know all the answers nor do I have it all figured out. Gulp again!
I’m going to open my site up to more guest posts and I’m going to add more interviews. It’s been suggested I start a podcast too. We’ll see on that one.
I have a long list of things I’d like to accomplish for No More Hamster Wheel in 2015. However, what I might have in mind may not be in line with what you, the reader, want so I’m going to ask you to leave a comment on what you would like to see on this site.
What do you want more of? Less of? What is missing? Please share in the comments.
How exciting! 2015 and all of the changes that it brings for you are going to be great:-) Riding along for a first class view.
Gina Horkey recently posted…An Unexpected Perk of Putting My Best Foot Forward
Sounds exciting! Change is such a powerful thing and I am excited for you. This year I’m trying to get more rest after a year full of change for me. Take care of yourself 🙂
Getting more rest is a great goal! One we all should work on.
Now this is Change we can get behind! 🙂 can’t wait to hear more about your changes, your journey, and about you!
Thanks! I wish I could contract out the video part and have someone else be “me.” 🙂 Oh well…just going to have to get comfortable with it.
Thanks Camilla, I think you’ve done exceptionally well by narrowing it down to one word.
Great to see you are pushing back the boundaries of your comfort zone, too. Keep going – we’re cheering you on!
I love your site, difficult to suggest improvements, although getting some guest “posters” is bound to add new and interesting flavours to your site.
Change is indeed in the air, for all those awake to smell and see it!
Rick Siderfin recently posted…When Biting Off More Than You Can Chew is a Smart Move
Thank you Rick! Change is good and adding a few more voices to the site is certain to spice things up!
Change can be a renewing experience.. revamping a blog to feature new content or theme can be a challenge. Have no recommendations as far as content as your content has always been great! Look forward to the change in 2015.
charles recently posted…Ways to Use Excess Meyer Lemon Harvest
That’s awesome! I think it’s going to be a great transition and can’t wait to see what you come up with this year. 🙂
Shannon // Camera & Carry On recently posted…30 Things to Do Before 30
Thanks Shannon! It’s going to be a great 2015.