Some of you that read this are just like me and can relate. I’m restless and can’t sit still. I tend to lose interest in something quickly and often juggle ten different projects at the same time, bouncing from one to the other. They somehow all get done. Most efficient way to do them? Probably not. But I have learned a long time ago it works for me.
So what changed? No, I didn’t suddenly wake up one morning knowing exactly what I wanted to do. What happened was that I had to take a personality test at an interview once. When I was given the results I was horrified. Did this mean I would not get hired? What did the test mean? I learned that the test was very accurate and explained me very well. I was able to learn and understand my personality and what it comprise of and why certain things are easy for me, while I struggle with others. I understood why I don’t like tedious projects and why after working on it for a while, I just want to hand it over and start on the next thing. I’m a starter. I can start projects, get them going, and then I’m more than happy to hand them over for that maintenance part. Maintenance bores me. I need something new and fresh. I need projects that are fast and done quickly. I’m a problem solver. I work extremely well under stress and deadlines. I take charge and lead, but I don’t do well with anyone trying to tell me what to do or micromanage me. I posses that free-spirited and rebellious spirit that works best under minimum supervision, but that also loves to talk and have people around me so I don’t mind working with a team at times.
Just learning a few things about me I understood why certain jobs or careers are not for me. Anyone knowing my traits would immediately see that putting me in accounting would be a terrible fit.
Now you may be one of the lucky ones that know exactly what you want to be when you grow up and what your life’s calling is, but the chance is you don’t since you are reading this. So if you don’t know what you should do with your life, start with taking a personality test. Or, take the test to learn more about you. Below test also has suggestions on professions that fit that particular personality type. It’s a great way to get ideas.
Someone who has spent most of his life coaching people and helping them figure it out so to speak is Dan Miller with 48 Days. I highly recommend his personality tests which are based on the DISC model. It’s an easy and inexpensive test to figure out who you are, so you can figure out your plan going forward! The banner below will take you to his website for more information.
*There are affiliate links in this post.
Have you taken a personality test? If so, feel free to share what you have learned and how that has helped you.