After my last blog on Sunday, a friend pointed out that yes I should say thanks and feel blessed with my life but that I am also the reason for making it happen. I am in charge of my life and I’m trying to live it in a way that I want to. I guess there is some truth to that. I am in charge. I decide on what I want and don’t want in my life. I made a choice to move here and live here. Granted I was doing it on a whim having no idea how beautiful Utah was as I had never been here or even seen pictures of it. I was living in Paris, France at the time and a co-worker’s friend had gone to school here and suggested I apply to the University of Utah. I did, was accepted and jumped on an airplane with two suitcases and a mountain bike. After all, I figured if I didn’t like it I could always transfer to another school in another state. Little did I know how much fun Utah was going to be for an outdoorsy girl like me!

Yes, I do make the choice to go explore the beautiful mountains around us.

I do make a choice to get involved or not get involved. I work hard at what I want in my life. My life is not perfect and does not contain everything I would like to have in it and I am not living all my dreams. Some of my dreams yes, but not all. But I am working towards that. Hence why I am writing this blog and trying to share my story on how I am getting off the hamster wheel, that I somehow ended up in when I wasn’t paying attention, so that others can learn, get ideas, get inspired and get going on getting off theirs.

I do make the choice to wake up every morning with the mantra, “It’s up to you, girl!” “You can either choose to make this day crappy or you can make it the best it can be with what you have. And if it doesn’t have everything you want in it you have to go get it because you know what, it is not going to arrive at your front door without work.”
Damn. I hate reality. I wish I didn’t have to work hard at this blog and my future book. I wish I just had unlimited amount of money right now so that I could buy a EuroVan and go find people that want to get off the hamster wheel and help them in person instead of doing it through the written media. I am so much better in person.
I write the way I talk. Which means a zillion thoughts at the same time. I can switch gear in seconds. But when I talk to someone in person I can see if I have lost them and make sure we get back on the same page. I don’t have that feedback when I write. But I don’t have unlimited amount of money right now to tour the world seeking out people that want to change their lives.
So my blog is the second best for now until I can get to the EuroVan part of my dream. Who knows, soon my writing will be so good that people will follow me and I will be one of those well paid bloggers that sell lots of books and I can go tour the world. Just like not knowing how beautiful Utah was going to be I just have to go for it and see what happens. Who knows, if I don’t become this successful blogger then I know I will come across something great that I had no idea existed and it will be awesome. Just like living in Utah turned out to be. I will still find a way to get that EuroVan.

I enjoy the way you write. Keep up the good work.
Thank you! You just put a big smile on my face 🙂
I’m with you on traveling the world in a EuroVan and finding like minded people to get off the hamster wheel. But you CAN do it, even with limited funds. Never say never. Anything is possible if you set your mind to it. Plenty of examples out there. And I enjoyed your blog. Keep up the good work!
Thanks! Glad you like it. I’m working on the EuroVan part 🙂 but not there just yet. Yes, traveling does not require as much money as people think. I have a traveling friend that is traveling the world on less thank 10k a year. He has been traveling nonstop since 2009 seeing every part of the world, doing non-profit work along the way too.
As long as you talk well, writing the way you talk will be just fine. Looks great on my end 🙂
Pics are great too!
Thanks! It’s work in progress but hey, that’s what life is about. Moving forward and improving. I think I talk well but then I always get a pass when I say something incorrectly. People just smile and say, “Ah, you didn’t grow up here…that’s funny…” I get to eat the cake and have it too! Oh wait, I think it’s “Have the cake and eat it too.” 🙂