End of April I decided to challenge myself to read 52 books in a year. You can catch up on the books I read in April & May here.
In the month of June I read the following books:
1. The Art of Work by Jeff Goins. This book is not available yet but I have had the honor to read a few versions as the book is taking shape. The book is not scheduled to be out until next year but Jeff is a very generous person who shares a lot of great content on his blog Goins, Writer. In the book The Art of Work Jeff talks about what it means to find your calling. I don’t want to spill the beans too much but it’s going to be a very insightful book with lots of real stories and practical tips.
2. Platform: Get Noticed in a Noisy World
by Michael Hyatt. Why didn’t I read this book when it arrived from Amazon last year? If you are a blogger, writer, speaker, in marketing or if you have something to say or sell this book is for you. In today’s world you need to have a platform to be heard and Michael Hyatt teaches you how. The book is super easy to read, each chapter is broken into mini-chapters and all the tips are easy to apply. I cannot recommend this book enough. A must read!
by Zig Ziglar. Dan Miller with 48 Days Blog often talks about Zig Ziglar, a motivational speaker who passed away in 2012 but continues to impact millions of people. I had never read any of his books so this is a first. See You at the Top is about input vs. output. If you put negative thoughts in the output will be negative. Mr. Ziglar also points out that we can learn how to change our perspective. I agree. I always say that it takes the same amount of energy to produce a negative thought as a positive one so why waste energy creating negative thoughts? This is a great book to remind yourself you are what you think.
4. The 4-Hour Workweek
by Tim Ferriss. Wow! What can I say. There are so many great concepts in this book it would take me a week to cover them. To sum it up…if you want to leave the rat race but still keep your day job (or start your own business) read this book. People have gone from working 60-80 hour work weeks to 10 hour work weeks making twice the amount of money by following the formula that Tim lays out in this book. Besides, there are ton of great productivity tips and more in this book. This book has been out for a while and became a game changer.
5. The Simplicity Project: Win Your Battle With Chaos & Clutter So You Can Live a Life of Peace & Purpose
by Corie Clark. My friend Corie’s debut book! Corie got tired of the clutter (I know the feeling!) and declared war. She set out to tackle the chaos and the clutter in different areas in her life from the house, to emails, to finance and more. It’s an awesome book that breaks the how-to down to easy, actionable steps plus gives you a 28 day challenge. You will succeed tackling the clutter in your life with this book. Corie also has a Facebook group where people can connect and support each other through the process. The Simplicity Project movement is taking off like wildfire. Very cool!
6. Stronger Than Coffee: The Power of Community
by David Bouchard and the Tulsa 5 Club. What is the Tulsa 5 Club? It’s a group of people that I have come to know through an online community of dreamers and builders. They meet every Friday in Tulsa at 5 am and anyone is welcome to join them. The group is a safe place to meet where people from all walks of life meet to support each other in an honest but real way as they are pursuing their dreams. The books was put together with stories from attendees and the proceeds goes to a non-profit. Read this book for inspiration and to learn how bridges can be built between various communities and people.
I got some great books read this month! I have a long book list for July and can’t wait to be back reporting on that in August. I’m now up to a total of 15 books read since end of April. Wow!
*There are affiliate links in this post.
Now tell me what book or books have impacted you lately that you recommend I read. Share in the comments.
Shannan says
I just finished reading The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd and it was fabulous. Best book I’ve read in a while. I’ll have to check some of these out. I once read 26 books in a year and that felt like a lot. Your challenge is awesome – can’t wait to see what the July books are 🙂 Happy reading!
Shannan recently posted…Why you should tell your children family stories
Camilla says
Thanks for the suggestion. I will definitely check the book out. 26 books in a year is great! That’s a lot. We’ll see if I can make the 52 book mark. July has started out slow 🙂
Laura says
How wonderful to read I wish I had more time to read!! I love getting lost in a good story!!!
Laura recently posted…Karamel Krunch!! Salty Sweet Treat! ~ Recipe
Camilla says
It definitely requires to set aside time in a busy schedule. I’m now reading in the mornings or before I go to bed. I learned that once I hit the pillow it’s almost impossible to get any reading done. Maybe try audio books? I know many that enjoy listening to a book instead of reading it, which can be done in the car, on a walk or doing household chores.
Jen says
Stronger than Coffee sounds like an amazing book I love. Adding to my Kindle Wishlist.
Jen recently posted…Party Food-With Sprinkles On Top
Camilla says
It’s a great little read and I love that the money goes to a nonprofit. Glad you added it to your wishlist.
Jennifer Kaufman says
The first few of these are on my list… and now I’ve added some more! 🙂
Jennifer Kaufman recently posted…Ten Years Ago
Martha says
Look like great books! One book I’ve read recently and really enjoyed was “Seven, A Mutiny Against Excess” by Jen Hatmaker. Amazing and lifechanging!
Martha recently posted…Patient advocacy: Port-a-cath (aka Martha’s striptease)
Camilla says
Haven’t heard of that book. Thanks for the suggestion. Definitely will check it out!