Do you ever get that restless feeling when you cannot focus on anything? You just want to be on the go and live in the now. Often that feeling involves no work, no commitments. Just live carpe diem. Somehow these episodes always seem to creep up when you least need them. It’s just an emotion that somehow is annoying. But could it be that we get these restless periods for a reason and that they are trying to tell us something?
“Restlessness and discontent are the first necessities of progress.” — Thomas A. Edison
Could it be that Mr. Edison was on something when he wrote that quote? That without these emotions we may not progress towards something that is giving us a greater joy in life? That these emotions are our first step of getting off that hamster wheel and start moving towards our authentic path. It’s natural to be restless at times but until those episodes start getting more frequent and also start containing discontent not much will happen unless we take notice. Maybe it’s like an earthquake with those small shakes before a big one. However, if we monitor and analyze those smaller ones then we can better prepare for the big one.
Start paying attention to those restless feelings and the feeling that there is something better out there for you. If you know what that is, start working towards it so that when the big one arrives you are prepared and can jump off the hamster wheel and go for it. If you don’t know what it is start paying attention to what precedes those restless feelings.
Is it after spending time with certain people? Is it after experiencing something new that peeked your interest? Or is it after doing certain hobbies that you enjoy doing?
Grab a journal and start writing things down. By writing them down we can track our emotions and start putting that puzzle together and see the big picture. That restless feeling and that there is something else out there is there for a reason but we need to pay attention. So grab a pen and paper, track your ups and downs and start drawing a line of conclusion of where you may want to go. Before you know it you will be able to start seeing the forest through the trees and the view will be amazing!