We all deal with fear at times, especially as we are about to do something that pushes us out of our comfort zone or as we are about to pursue something we really want to do but that we are not certain will result in the outcome we want.
I know the feeling and it’s no fun, but there are ways you can work through it. In this video I’m covering the 5 things I do when dealing with fear and that can help you work through yours so that it won’t hold you back from pursuing what you really want. Because life is short and we got stuff to do!
Summary. For more detailed information, watch the video.
1. Acknowledge the feeling, don’t try to pretend it’s not there. It’s there! By bringing it out in the light we can deal with it. Avoiding it will just make it more noticeable. Whatever we focus on expands. We all deal with fear, key is to not let it slow us down from achieving what we want.
2. Ask yourself why you’re feeling what you are feeling. Is it because you’re afraid you will get a no? Do you need to learn something new? Afraid of rejection? Afraid that your friends and family will make fun of you or think your idea is silly? Scared to put yourself out there? Whatever it is, identify the reason/s. Now you have something tangible to work with.
3. We often assume things and create what I call an assumption based reality. We can’t see into the future so we assume and create “answers” based on the past or based on what others have told us. We also assume it won’t work instead of that it will. The negative tends to win. What if we instead assumed that it will work? That we have what it takes to learn that skill? What if you assumed that you will succeed and get that yes if you do the work and stay the course? All successful people have been told many no’s before they got their yes.
4. Create a plan on how to overcome obstacles and challenges. Create a plan on what new skills to learn, create a plan on how to minimize the risks, create a plan on how to deal with non-supportive people and who to seek out to learn from. By having a plan of action and anticipating the challenges and obstacles ahead of time you can do something about them.
5. Lastly, you just need to go for it. A great question to ask yourself is: What’s the worst that can happen? And am I okay with that answer? If you are, then go for it. Another thing is to find support. There are so many online groups, MeetUp groups and local chapters where you can find like-minded people. Find those that have successfully done what you want to do and ask them how they did that. Hire a coach, find a mentor, find an accountability buddy, join a mastermind, seek out that support.
The number one regret of dying people is that they didn’t pursue the kind of life they wanted to live, they didn’t go after their dreams but lived a life expected of them by others. That’s one sad regret to have. You deserve to be happy, you deserve to live a fulfilling life. Don’t let fear hold you back from achieving what you want. Work through the fear. You can do it!
For you that want more support I’m opening a paid mastermind/coaching group. At this point I will only open it up for 50 people to make sure I can serve everyone, but we are going to move mountains in 2017 so if you are interested click HERE. Now, go out there and tackle that fear! It’s time to stop spinning and start living.
If you felt this post was of value to you please share with others so they too can learn how to stop spinning and start living. I appreciate you! Now go and move your life forward. You can do it!
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