The Power of 15™ is probably one of my favorite tools I created to show my clients and students how to get stuff done. It’s so simple, yet has an incredible impact and truly moves the needle forward.
We can easily waste 15 minutes a day doing things that doesn’t move us forward. What if you could use those 15 minutes instead for something that did move you forward? Would you be game?
Now before you go “I don’t have an extra 15 minutes a day!” let’s look at how you spend your time. On average people spend 5 hours a day watching TV, surfing the internet with no purpose in mind and being down the rabbit hole of social media.
If you don’t believe me, there’s a great app called RescueTime which tracks where you spend your computer time. You’ll be amazed at how much time you lose in a week, especially on social media.
Are you ready to stop spinning and do the things that helps you start living? If so, continue on.
15 Minutes A Day Becomes 91 Hours in a Year
What?! Yes. Do the math. Fifteen minutes a day becomes 91 hours and 25 minutes in a year. That’s The Power of 15™ in effect. If you were to do something daily for 15 minutes it adds up to a lot of time. In 10 years you will have accumulated over 900 hours.
You can use The Power of 15™ to either accumulate or to subtract. What do I mean with that?
Accumulate 15 Minutes at a Time
90% of people dream of writing a book in their lifetime. Yet few do it. Why? You guessed it. No time. But you don’t have to move into a secluded cabin in order to get that book written. Set a timer for 15 minutes every day and write. Just the practice of writing every day will help you get that book done.
Another sad statistic is that most people don’t read books after they leave high school and if they do, they usually read a fiction book. Books that entertain but hold little value in teaching you things that could improve your life. A common excuse for not reading books is that there is no time. Enter The Power of 15™. If you were to get your butt on a chair to read a book for 15 minutes a day, guess what? In a year you will have read about 12-16 non-fiction books that could completely change your life. Wow! If you don’t know what non-fiction books to start reading, check my Resource page.
Another common excuse I hear is that people don’t have time to exercise. You guessed it! What if you moved your body for 15 minutes a day? It doesn’t take much to accumulate a positive shift in your life. Imagine where you would be if you exercised for 15 minutes a day instead of doing nothing. In just one week that is 1 hour and 45 minutes of exercise!
You get the picture on how doing something for 15 minutes a day can help you accomplish some great things in your life!
Subtract 15 Minutes at a Time
Now let’s see how we can use The Power of 15™ to subtract things in our life. We all have those nagging projects we hate doing. The ones that we procrastinate on any chance we get.
Whether it’s cleaning out the garage, getting caught up on accounting, cleaning out those boxes that you never got around to, or the ever-growing pile of papers you need to file, you can get those nagging projects out of your way 15 minutes at a time.
Set a timer for 15 minutes and go to town! Don’t worry about where to start, just pick a corner of the garage, pick a box, pick anything and start tackling it. When the timer goes off, you’re done.
We can all “suffer” for 15 minutes. You do that every single day or even once a week, before you know it, that nagging project that otherwise would take hours or even weeks to finish, is done. You don’t need huge blocks of time, you just need to apply The Power of 15™.
After that you can use the same technique making sure the piles don’t take over again. What if you spent 15 minutes a day putting things away, entering in receipts and miles, organizing your workspace and more?
Now you’ve learned how something as simple as applying 15 minutes a day can create huge results! Of course, you can choose to spend that 15 minutes doing nothing of importance or you can spend a little less time watching TV, surfing the internet and social media and use that time to move your life forward. That choice is yours!
If you felt this post was of value to you please share with others so they too can learn how to stop spinning and start living. I appreciate you! Now go and move your life forward. You can do it, fifteen minutes at a time!
If you truly want to move the needle forward, check out my Get Stuff Done Accountability program.